Status updates and job application reminder
A few quick status updates on: training for mods; ongoing mod work; restless_nomad; jessamyn; hiring.
Reminder: if you've considered applying for the mod job, the initial deadline is this weekend!
Welcome travelingthyme and loup to the mod team!
Very exciting MetaFilter news: we have two new part-time moderators joining the team.
Come say hello to travelingthyme and loup!
A few quick status updates on: training for mods; ongoing mod work; restless_nomad; jessamyn; hiring.
Reminder: if you've considered applying for the mod job, the initial deadline is this weekend!
I guess it's time I finally write a serious comment about Skyrim modding. Here goes...
Ryvar completes his quest with an amazing comment on what you need to mod your world, like a boss dragonslayer.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.