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Posts tagged with gods

"Spoiled for choice"

bronze statue against a black backgroundgilded bronze head of Minerva at the temple of Sulis Minerva at Bath

misteraitch has posted Finding Britain’s Lost Gods, "the first four of an on-going series of hour-long lectures at Gresham College by cravat-wearing historian Ronald Hutton"

by taz

Blame it on Babylon

photo of gold bracelet with seven round light colored soft stone raised relief cameos of the Olympic godsAn Italian cameo bracelet representing the days of the week by their eponymous deities via Wikipedia

The days of the week are associated with the seven 'luminaries' ... A fascinating explainer from heatherlogan about why the days of the week are named as they are.

by taz

Creative and destructive, spiritual and material

Aztec Imaginary God of Death

"Using these codices, I tried to identify them all, like a Pokemon chaser..." dhruva posted A Visual Guide to the Aztec Pantheon

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher





