Are you a peach, or a coconut? 🍑🥥
Tell me some more about two types of people ... A Terrible Llama asks for examples of (lesser known) "two types of people" tropes, and you will either find the answers fascinating, or not.
Tell me some more about two types of people ... A Terrible Llama asks for examples of (lesser known) "two types of people" tropes, and you will either find the answers fascinating, or not.
This is great: Uncovering Edinburgh’s forgotten lives, one stair at a time. "Each entry starts with a specific Edinburgh front door and takes us step by step through 200 years or so of the individuals who've lived there."
Things people do to make them seem uberhuman & thus uniquely capable? In Ask Metafilter, mrmanvir is looking for examples of "well-known professionals performing strangeness, otherness, or superhumanness to promote perceptions of their unique abilities."
An astute observation from MeFi member JimmyJames:
Next time people ask why sociology is important, I'm going to show them this video.
On its own, when you see one person slip, you automatically assume that person slipped, was clumsy or not playing attention. But when you look at the aggregate, you realize that the failure isn't on the individual at all, rather the structures that cause certain people to fail with almost no fault of their own. And yet, without this data, they will very quickly ascribe the mistake to themselves.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.