Are you a peach, or a coconut? 🍑🥥
Tell me some more about two types of people ... A Terrible Llama asks for examples of (lesser known) "two types of people" tropes, and you will either find the answers fascinating, or not.
Tell me some more about two types of people ... A Terrible Llama asks for examples of (lesser known) "two types of people" tropes, and you will either find the answers fascinating, or not.
Falling or Flung? by M.Christian (cc by-nc-nd)
I've further subdivided the In The Bathroom category of MefiWiki::YouWHAT. I hope you people are happy. A comment from zamboni in the Proper Way to Prepare a Toothbrush Ask Me thread reminds us about the excellent, amusing, and instructive Mefi Wiki section on "all the threads that have exposed the shocking practices of our fellow Metafilterians."
Paradise Riflebird, native Vireya by maxful (cc by)
I want to be a better manager. What did your best manager do? What about your worst?
I want to write in a realistic way about how people meet. How did you meet your significant other?
I want to understand typical people's day-to-day schedules, how they stick to plans, what are realistic daily goals. How did you spend your day?
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.