Let's Play A Game!
Love word puzzles and looking for something new? Then please allow Horace Rumple to point you towards Gisnep, a new daily word puzzle by MeFi's own ironicsans!
Love word puzzles and looking for something new? Then please allow Horace Rumple to point you towards Gisnep, a new daily word puzzle by MeFi's own ironicsans!
"I already do Set, Wordle, Guess My Word, Worldle, and Spelling Bee ... Math, logic, word-based: I love them all. What else might I like?" DrGail asks Give me your daily puzzles!
I want to be a better manager. What did your best manager do? What about your worst?
I want to write in a realistic way about how people meet. How did you meet your significant other?
I want to understand typical people's day-to-day schedules, how they stick to plans, what are realistic daily goals. How did you spend your day?
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.