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Posts tagged with wordle

How to be Puzzled

Photo of the New York Times Building in midtown Manhattan with the word STRIKE over it in large red textThe New York Times Building photo by Ajay Suresh from New York, NY, USA - New York Times Building - Bottom Portion

The NYT Tech Guild is on strike, which means NYT Games (and Cooking) are behind the picket line. But never fear! Mefites needing their puzzle fix can find Wordle alternatives in this Ask Me thread and the secret word game Letroso, plus, for more fun, be sure to check out Catfishing (Wikipedia category guessing game) by Mefi's own Klipspringer, and Gisnep (quote guessing game) by Metafilter's own ironicsans.

by taz

How Puzzling!

Squardle screenshot via

Daily puzzles in art, geography, and more (also, see this Ask Metafilter question)

by taz

More fun than a blank of blanks!

BlankBlank by Crystl (cc by)

How many Wordle-likes can folkle regurgitadle? A myriadle? Innumeradle? Multitudindle? Incalculadle? The latest to hit Metafilter is Redactle, a blank blank blank where the blank blank to blank the blank of a blank blank blank blank. I hope you find it enjoydle!

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





