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Posts tagged with photography

Sooooo, this weekend thing...

Photo by shellac via Flickr (

It's the weekend, and as Going To Maine's post notes, that means resting, relaxing and, ahem, chilling out While doing all that, please check out Wolfdog's post about the hardest working font in Manhattan!

Defying conventional standards of beauty

Photo © Keerthana Kunnath

It's said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. bBut when the beholder is you, what does one see when that beauty is outside of the norm? Chavenet's post about a burgeoning community of female bodybuilders in Kerala, India touches on this question and the answers highlight the beauty of becoming the person you want to be, and not what society says you should be.

He blew up pretty well

Photo by M. Scott Brauer

Over in MeFi Projects, msbrauer has posted an absolutely amazing story he did about Treb Heining, who created the entire balloon decorating industry. What does that mean? Oh, just that Heining has engineered the balloon drops at every Republican National Convention and most Democratic National Conventions for the past 40 years! Tune in to get the lowdown on how these amazing visuals happen!

Inspiring Historic Photos?

The Flower Power photograph by Bernie Boston, taken during the March on the Pentagon, October 21, 1967

Over in Ask MetaFilter community member Number Used Once is requesting "historical photographs of events that are deeply moving and/or interesting". If you know of a particular one, please come in and share a link, or check out what others have posted!

Don't Mind Us, Just Doing A Flyby Of Earth

If you ever go to the planet Jupiter, try and swing by Earth on your way out. Europe's JUICE spacecraft recently did just that, as noted in a post by bq, and the photos are lovely!

Look, Up In The Sky!

Cropped image by Josh Dury

The Perseid meteor shower is back and SPrintF posted about a particularly beautiful image of it!

Welcome to Midway

Photo by Arvell Dorsey Jr., via Flickr (

Chicago, USA is a city known by several names and vibes. But to photographer Paul D’Amato it's the working class neighborhoods near Midway Airport that show a unique and wonderful side of the city, as seen in this post created by lwxxyyzz

What a view!

When you're parked about a million miles from Earth, just observing the planet, there's not a lot going on. But as pointed out in a post by Tell Me No Lies, sometimes you do get Mooned.

Egypt: Dendera, the cosmos of Hathor

a detail including figures representing decans, 36 stars or star groups that could be used to tell the time during the night. Seen here, a lion-headed god and goddess, a snake with coiled tail, and an erect snake holding two jars Lions and snakes on astronomical ceiling at Dendera

Rhaomi has a fabulous in-depth post on the very fabulous Dendera temple complex, home to "some of the most superbly-preserved ancient Egyptian art known, ranging from early Roman times back to the Middle Kingdom period over 4,000 years ago." Amazing photography, video, interviews, background, blog posts, and a "slick zoomable scroller." So much. So good.

by taz

The 'roo is winning at air guitar

Cropped photograph of birds arguing by Jacek Stankiewicz

Hey, it's the end of week and the day after a major holiday in the USA, so let's chill out with The 2023 Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards! Grab your favorite beverage and check out the link that wowenthusiast posted!

You Thought You Could Throw Me Away

Photo by Thandiwe MuriuA Cycle of Joy” (2023). All images © Thandiwe Muriu Heyho created a post that showcases Kenyan photographer Thandiwe Muriu and her work with wax fabrics common in Central and West Africa.


photo of a dacha There's a absolutely fantastic post from user 'dhruva', about photographer Fyodor Savintsev and his gorgeous photos of dachas, the Russian wooden houses built in the woods or countryside.

"The Titanic is the Marilyn Monroe of shipwrecks."

visualization of the underwater wreck of the Titanic in its current statevia

Fizz posted Titanic: First ever full-sized scans reveal wreck as never seen before, the first full-sized digital scan of the Titanic, with visualizations pieced together from 700,000 images collected by remote controlled submersibles. (Title via pthomas745 in the comments!)

by taz

Trans people were always here

Left, photo of Stormé Delarverie sitting on a bench in a nice suit, 1961, and Right, with three women, all dressed in cocktail-party style outfitsImage via

"Using recent breakthroughs in photo editing techniques, Eli colorizes, restores, and digitizes photos from queer and trans history. The following images are originally from 1897-1973." Great post from creatrixtiara!

by taz

More for "Analogue Wednesday"

brightly colored photo of flower with abstract backgroundPhoto by Wendy Laurel at Lomography Magazine

Film soup is an experimental analog photography technique where you soak a roll of film in different liquids to add fun, crazy colors and effects: oulipian's post Recipes for Rainbows from last month.

by taz

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