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Posts tagged with Ancient

Not Built in a Day

illustration depicting the assassination of Tiberius Gracchus in ancient Rome. The scene shows a chaotic and violent moment as Roman senators, dressed in traditional togas, attack Gracchus with blunt objects and weapons. Tiberius is portrayed falling to the ground, reaching out, while others crowd around him in an aggressive stance. The background includes architectural elements, such as columns, indicative of a Roman public space, emphasizing the historical and political context of the eventDeath of Tiberius Gracchus at the hands of the mob via Wikimedia Commons

How much do you think about ... ROME? Senatus vs. Populusque Romanus, a magnificent multi-part megalicious magnus postus from Rhaomi. Veni, Vidi, Mefi!

by taz

Wake up babe, new Euripides just dropped

photo of a marble bust of Euripedes Bust of Euripedes

Kattullus posted about Euripides Unbound, the story of a recent discovery by archeologist Heba Adly of a papyrus containing 97 lines from Polyidus and Ino, lost plays by Euripides.

by taz

Egypt: Dendera, the cosmos of Hathor

a detail including figures representing decans, 36 stars or star groups that could be used to tell the time during the night. Seen here, a lion-headed god and goddess, a snake with coiled tail, and an erect snake holding two jars Lions and snakes on astronomical ceiling at Dendera

Rhaomi has a fabulous in-depth post on the very fabulous Dendera temple complex, home to "some of the most superbly-preserved ancient Egyptian art known, ranging from early Roman times back to the Middle Kingdom period over 4,000 years ago." Amazing photography, video, interviews, background, blog posts, and a "slick zoomable scroller." So much. So good.

by taz

Scent back in time

photo of Heritage Scenting Consultant Liam R Findlay in front of a green, leafy background, wearing a white lab coat and polka dot bow tie, and holding a glass lab flask topped by what may be a bulb atomizer device. He wears a thoughtful, satisfied expression while seeming to sniff from the atomizer.image via AromaPrime

paduasoy posts an article from Current Archaeology about Aroma Prime, a company creating historical scents, including the smells of dinosaurs, dodos, mummification, candlemakers, ether, vintage sweets and the Wicker Man.

by taz

Travel: Life in the Slow Lane

Channeling Euterpe

Concord, Walden I and Walden II (1971) - Tom Philips (1937)Concord, Walden I and Walden II (1971) - Tom Philips (1937) by pedrosimoes7 (cc by)

A decade or so ago, the web was awash with small mp3 blogs, presenting all manner of music old and new, often grouped into categories that reflected genres or personal interests. Where are they now?

In Ask Metafilter, srednivashtar wonders, Where have all the music blogs gone?

Meanwhile, in recent music musings on Mefi: "Nardis" and the Curious History of a Jazz Obsession | William Shatner’s "Has Been" | Do we finally know what ancient Greek music sounded like? | The last few decades of The Fall | "How we made Steppenwolf's 'Born to Be Wild'" (plus covers!) | Jambinai Korean post-rock band | Etienne De Crecy, Rhythm Composer | "Jee Veerey" Indian folk metal | The story behind "Afternoon Delight."

by taz

Lovin' the Ruins

Assorted Inklings

Seb Lester calligraphySeb Lester calligraphy

Lovely ink links recently on Mefi:

Penmenship isn't dead: the vibrant art of well-crafted written forms introduces two talented young penmen

Chinese calligraphy and painting manual from 1633 now online, in full offers a view of "the earliest and the most beautiful example of multicolor printing anywhere in the world"

How the ballpoint pen killed cursive looks at the surprisingly complicated influence of the biro

I should be able to read that discusses Copperplate, a beautiful and elaborate script that in its time was considered a basic penmanship style

And in Ask Me: "What are some good resources for a southpaw to improve his handwriting that don't involve the kind of cursive I was (not) taught as a child?" and "What's the best non-bulky fountain pen you've used?"

by taz

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