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Posts tagged with rock

More female-fronted metal, you know, for the kids

publicity photo showing members of the band against a white backdropFrench metalcore act Novelists

For it is a human number / Its number is 5, 5, and 5. Did you know signal has been posting a regular series showcasing great female-fronted metal bands since October? Now you know! It's basically a Mefi metal shredfest, is what it is.

by taz

"transgressor par excellence"

Black and white head and shoulders shot of Thornton on stageWillie Mae Thornton via

Do yourself a favor and catch Willie Mae "Big Mama" Thornton performing her song "Ball and Chain" from 1970 in spamandkimchi's great post about the electrifying and iconic blues, R&B, and rock foundational figure.

by taz

Gimme All Your Love

Night-shot photo of Brittany Howard onstage dressed in a sleeveless multicolor flowy dress and black eyeglasses, playing a bright blue-green Gibson electric guitarAlabama Shakes Brittany Howard photo via

Wowzer. Rhaomi has crafted a no-stops-left-unpulled lovefest of a megapost on Alabama Shakes and Brittany Howard.

by taz


Explosion!Explosion! by Rickydavid (cc by-nc-nd)

"I saw Moby naked! And I didn't like it at all!" — loquacious. Hey, mefites are discussing the Rolling Stones "When Rock Stars Screw Up" article!🤘🏼

by taz

Winter Wishes

may all your holiday wishes come truemay all your holiday wishes come true by rockinmonique

MetaFilter Cares 11th Annual Gift and Donation Drive now in Metatalk.

(Also, ps: don't miss the traditional Jingle Rock Bell sacred observance)

by taz

Channeling Euterpe

Concord, Walden I and Walden II (1971) - Tom Philips (1937)Concord, Walden I and Walden II (1971) - Tom Philips (1937) by pedrosimoes7 (cc by)

A decade or so ago, the web was awash with small mp3 blogs, presenting all manner of music old and new, often grouped into categories that reflected genres or personal interests. Where are they now?

In Ask Metafilter, srednivashtar wonders, Where have all the music blogs gone?

Meanwhile, in recent music musings on Mefi: "Nardis" and the Curious History of a Jazz Obsession | William Shatner’s "Has Been" | Do we finally know what ancient Greek music sounded like? | The last few decades of The Fall | "How we made Steppenwolf's 'Born to Be Wild'" (plus covers!) | Jambinai Korean post-rock band | Etienne De Crecy, Rhythm Composer | "Jee Veerey" Indian folk metal | The story behind "Afternoon Delight."

by taz

These Bands Could Be Your Life


SNAP00078SNAP00078 by froussecarton (cc by-nc)

pjsky's post I'm Buffy and You're History discusses the Slayer as a "role model for the modern feminist" (plus the show's intersection of feminism, pop culture and rock, and Buffy-inspired diy feminist queer pop band "The Potentials"). Mefites might have a few opinions.

by taz

Talkin' 'bout Mom's g-g-generaaaation

Let's dance MommyLet's dance Mommy by W. Visser

Mefites share memories of moms and their music in the current "What is Mom Rock?" thread.

by taz

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