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Posts tagged with 80s

"something is terrible, hopeless and dangerous"

Two characters in conversation outside a retro diner with a bright neon 'Coffee Shop' sign and a large burger advertisement in the background, captured in a vibrant urban setting.Miracle Mile screenshot

DirtyOldTown: This is one of my three or four favorite movies EVER. I have a list of things. I could fill the whole page. Great, interesting comment about Steve de Jarnatt in Lemkin's very interesting post on the film "Miracle Mile". Go ahead and fill the whole page, DoT!

by taz

Miami Vibe

promotional image featuring the Miami Vice logo and a nighttime shot of Crockett and Tubbs looking stylish next to a Ferrari Daytona Spyder

Nose candy, suitcases of cash, T-shirts under luxe European suits, ubiquitous pastels, shoes with no socks, speedboats, fast Ferraris, bikinis, boat life ... and ohhhh the music: There's something in the air tonight, and it's NotMyselfRightNow's most magnificently mega of mega posts on Miami Vice. 🕶

by taz

Gag me with a chipmunk

The 80s are known for many things, like big hair, valley girls, MTV, shoulder pads and neon colors. But in the midst of all that, Alvin and the Chipmunks released an absolute monument to sludge rock and 1adam12 made a post celebrating this little known fact. Rock on!


girl on a game show wearing a white t-shirt with a bright screen-printed design showing a stylized yellow feline against a blue and red backgrounddetail of youtube screen capture

A roaring Ask Metafilter "identify this item" success for moonmilk's question "Do you recognize this t-shirt from 1992?"

by taz

These Bands Could Be Your Life

Remixing the 80s

Anna's Eighty-eight butterflyAnna's Eighty-eight butterfly by Charlesjsharp (cc by)

Bop out, with your neon top out - for music Saturday, share your favorite 1980s pop song remixes

ah ah ahh eh eh ehh oh oh ohh

vinylvinyl by suzy_yes (cc by-nc-nd)

Thanks to the work of everyone in this thread, I was able to make a positive identification of the song, order the vinyl, and have it professionally converted to digital.

The OP has updated an old thread about a 30-year-old mystery tune in Ask Me with a YouTube video of the song. Yay, team!

Looking for more musical mysteries to solve?

What's the Baby Elephant song I heard at Burning Man?

I'm trying to identify a sample from the first few minutes of this album

Loving you is . . . easy to forget? What was that song from 2008 - 2009?

Finding a song based on a music video: "a woman riding a horse and she had dramatically long hair that floated through the sky"

by taz

It's supposed to be serious, grim, and epic, but it's unintentionally WTF when...

I grew up without cable, and am pretty much ignorant of everything but the "classic" music videos from the 80's; please let me know what I'm missing.

An awesomely generated list of 80s videos from Ask MetaFilter. Now with playlists!

Part 1 | Part 2

by jessamyn

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