you may ask yourself Well, how did I get here?
Screenshot from Stewart Hickman video
Come for the McMansion-enabling truss connector plates, stay for the malt liquor, beer cans, and blunts.
Screenshot from Stewart Hickman video
Come for the McMansion-enabling truss connector plates, stay for the malt liquor, beer cans, and blunts.
detail of youtube screen capture
A roaring Ask Metafilter "identify this item" success for moonmilk's question "Do you recognize this t-shirt from 1992?"
Country Girl 13 by martinwcox (cc by)
"What's it like to be a girl in a band?" Box posts about the women who built grunge.
bloggers-square by Electronic_Frontier_Foundation (cc by)
y6y6y6 asks: Any old-school bloggers still posting?
SNAP00078 by froussecarton (cc by-nc)
pjsky's post I'm Buffy and You're History discusses the Slayer as a "role model for the modern feminist" (plus the show's intersection of feminism, pop culture and rock, and Buffy-inspired diy feminist queer pop band "The Potentials"). Mefites might have a few opinions.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.