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Posts tagged with female

More female-fronted metal, you know, for the kids

publicity photo showing members of the band against a white backdropFrench metalcore act Novelists

For it is a human number / Its number is 5, 5, and 5. Did you know signal has been posting a regular series showcasing great female-fronted metal bands since October? Now you know! It's basically a Mefi metal shredfest, is what it is.

by taz


Country Girl 13Country Girl 13 by martinwcox (cc by)

"What's it like to be a girl in a band?" Box posts about the women who built grunge.

by taz

July Bijou

The Letter Carrier short film imageThe Letter Carrier short film

Furnished: Film and Furniture furnishes you with fascinating facts about the décor in your favourite films

Unfurnished: This Is The Most Filmed In Alley In NYC

Selling the sizzle: This Is Why You Can't Stop Watching Movie Trailers

Selling the steak: Why Dwayne Johnson is the new Schwarzenegger

Crossed: "A Report Of Connected Events," short film blurs the lines between reality and our favourite stories

Double-crossed: Wild Things ... 12 double-crosses in a movie with a runtime of 108 minutes

Defining: Polish Radio Experimental Studio influenced animation soundtracks for generations to come

Redefining: a three-part essay series on costume design for heroic female characters

Time and space: This May Be Stanley Kubrick Explaining the End of 2001

Time and place: "The Letter Carrier," exquisite, chilling fable in a short film

by taz

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