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Posts tagged with sound

So it goes

Close-up image of sewing needles of various sizes inserted into a blue pincushion. The needles are arranged at different angles, with a soft, blurred background emphasizing the sharpness of the needles and the texture of the pincushion.image via

Sow, sew, so!, so-so, sough, ... so?

by taz

The Trouble with Trebles

photo of a set of black earphones on a tabletop against a white background

umbú asks "How can I translate my hearing test results to a music player's graphic equalizer so that I can boost certain frequencies to match how a recorded music track is meant to sound?" and flug replies, "Hmm, just by complete chance I've spent the past several days messing around with just exactly this ... and the end result is, my $20 or $40 headphones end up sounding as good as $200 or $400 models." Tons of great info here!

by taz

"From Awooga to Whistling Wind"

photo of a file box of old, numbered audiotapes in their Scotch brand sleevesfrom the Red Library: Creaks

Pink Fuzzy Bunny posted the rather wonderful USC Optical Sound Effects Library – "Classic movie sound effects on optical and magnetic tape from the 30's to the 80's, all carefully restored, catalogued and posted on the Internet Archive."

by taz


product shot of a hot pink boombox with rounded edges against a bubblegum pink background Nextplay Glitz and Glitter Boombox

For more than two years, the world of lost media has been flummoxed by 17 seconds of grainy audio uploaded to a small name-that-song site ... until now.

by taz

Music for Goblins?

Music for Boffins?

What music for New Year Party?What music for New Year Party? by margycrane

I fucking love ranting about this topic because it makes me feel smart and it's taken me decades to learn a lot of this stuff and debunking audiophile woo. Loquacious with an epic "extended play" on music audio.

by taz

Alonna? Moana? Ohana? Hosanna?

Dawn Chorus LinesDawn Chorus Lines by Gunn Shots ! (cc by)

Trespassers William is looking for a song with a certain chorus. Does it ring a bell? (and don't miss this handy suggestion for Google's "hum to search," from an earlier "what's this song" post)

by taz

July Bijou

The Letter Carrier short film imageThe Letter Carrier short film

Furnished: Film and Furniture furnishes you with fascinating facts about the décor in your favourite films

Unfurnished: This Is The Most Filmed In Alley In NYC

Selling the sizzle: This Is Why You Can't Stop Watching Movie Trailers

Selling the steak: Why Dwayne Johnson is the new Schwarzenegger

Crossed: "A Report Of Connected Events," short film blurs the lines between reality and our favourite stories

Double-crossed: Wild Things ... 12 double-crosses in a movie with a runtime of 108 minutes

Defining: Polish Radio Experimental Studio influenced animation soundtracks for generations to come

Redefining: a three-part essay series on costume design for heroic female characters

Time and space: This May Be Stanley Kubrick Explaining the End of 2001

Time and place: "The Letter Carrier," exquisite, chilling fable in a short film

by taz

Do you hear what I hear

Tackling the important questions: What is this voice saying?

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