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Posts tagged with agriculture

So it goes

Close-up image of sewing needles of various sizes inserted into a blue pincushion. The needles are arranged at different angles, with a soft, blurred background emphasizing the sharpness of the needles and the texture of the pincushion.image via

Sow, sew, so!, so-so, sough, ... so?

by taz

"The Grab"

farm tractor harvesting a large fieldPhoto by Tom Fisk

kliuless has an in-depth post on "the move by national governments, financial investors and private security forces to snap up food and water resources." Robber barons in the food system.

by taz


image of Akala, a Buddhist deity, holding a sword and surrounded by flames with a dark cloud and lightning bolt, over several rice paddies in shades of yellow, red, and blackvia Wikimedia, Tanbo art, Inakadate, Aomori Prefecture. Acala from the 2012 work “Hibo Kannon and Acala”. Viewed from village administation building

Wow! Athanassiel posted about rice paddy art — huge and incredibly clear images made by planting different strains of rice seeds.

by taz

*you totally can*

Les blésLes blés by _.Yann Cœuru ._ (cc by)

There's something called "the resource curse," or resource trap ... Eyebrows McGee with a fascinating bit of musing on Russia and Ukraine and the hinterlands and yeoman farmers, and resource extraction, wealth concentration, state benefits, education, and how they are bound together ... and why all this might be more important than usual right now. Confused? You won't be!

by taz

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