What Belongs In A Go-Bag?
In Ask Metafilter, I'm always feeling, Blue says "what with the state of the world I've been thinking about fire and flood recently. If I had to get up and go right now, what should go in my go-bag?"
In Ask Metafilter, I'm always feeling, Blue says "what with the state of the world I've been thinking about fire and flood recently. If I had to get up and go right now, what should go in my go-bag?"
By ArtBrom from Seattle - Neil Peart's drum solo, CC BY-SA 2.0
I can connect my own life to music because of Peart, and because of Peart I can better understand the life stories of my family.
Lilac girl shares an eloquent memorial of the complex and multiform interior connection her family has had to Neil Peart and Rush.
bloggers-square by Electronic_Frontier_Foundation (cc by)
y6y6y6 asks: Any old-school bloggers still posting?
Rubbermaid Homefree Series Closet Kit 3P40 by Rubbermaid Products (cc by)
If this sounds more like psychology than household stuff, then it should. I tell everyone that the difference between housekeeping and professional organizing is that housekeeping/cleaning is about the stuff, and professional organizing is about the person who owns the stuff.
Mefi member The Wrong Kind of Cheese offers a very interesting, in-depth answer to fermion's question "How do you find a really good professional organizer?"
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.