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Posts tagged with flood

What Belongs In A Go-Bag?

screen shot of Mary Poppins pulling a floor lamp out of her bag

In Ask Metafilter, I'm always feeling, Blue says "what with the state of the world I've been thinking about fire and flood recently. If I had to get up and go right now, what should go in my go-bag?"

by taz

"The iceberg was one of the most popular spots at the fair "

the iceberg, at Expo 92 in Seville

Flood answers a question about long-lasting snowmen with an anecdote about the time Chile brought an iceberg to the World's Fair.

In 1992, I attended the World's Fair in Seville, Spain. I was living in Madrid at the time, and had friends in Seville, so I attended the fair at least 20 times through-out the course of that summer. It ran from April to October.

The country of Chile had one of the best exposition pavilions - partly because of the iceberg they brought to the fair. Yes, they brought an iceberg !!

by jessamyn

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