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Posts tagged with live

Hey MeFite, can I borrow a couple of minutes from you?

Musician Tom Waits was born in 1949 and has been playing professionally since the late '60s. Those decades of performance in the age of video and tv allows us a special treat: The ability to compare and contrast Waits performing one of his signature songs, Tom Traubert's Blues, 48 years apart, in this lovely post shared by growabrain

And we're live in 1...2...3...

"What is your favorite live webcam that you keep open during the day" asked GernBlandston in Ask MetaFilter.

"Oh, we have many excellent suggestions," replied the community!

"It's a no-brainer"

These Bands Could Be Your Life

[This is Good]

Beer FoamBeer Foam

Don't miss filthy light thief's post on Kasou Taishou, or 欽ちゃん&香取慎吾の全日本仮装大賞 (translation: Kinchan and Katori Shingo's All Japan Costume Grand Prix), with many fun examples of "'faking' cinematic special effects on a live stage"

by taz

Marvelous, manic, mysterious and bemusing music on Mefi

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





