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Posts tagged with theatre

Crash Course, Theatre edition

Promo art for a Crash Course Theatre episode, a comic-style illustration of a theater ticket

Boom, asked and answered — within 2 minutes! randlesc asked about finding a remembered Youtube channel about various theatre traditions, and Iris Gambol was zippy AF with the answer: Crash Course Theatre, featuring a lot of interesting vids (with fun titles such as "Pee Jokes, the Italian Renaissance, Commedia Dell'Arte" and "Dances to Flute Music and Obscene Verse. It's Roman Theater, Everybody!")

by taz

"It's a no-brainer"

Do you wand to know a secret?

image of magic wand

verstegan has a great answer for divabat's question Why do magic wands look the way they do?

by taz

Farewell, Phyllis Newman

photo of Phyllis Newman 1966Phyllis Newman, 1966, via Wikimedia

... they needed someone with archival experience and a passion for musical theatre to organize half a century of notes, photos, cards, and memorabilia, stuffed into every crack of the two floors

ilana made a fantastic first post for the passing of Tony Award-winning actress Phyllis Newman, and recalls her own remarkable experience working as an archivist for Newman in 2009 and 2010.

by taz

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