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Posts tagged with performance

Hey MeFite, can I borrow a couple of minutes from you?

Musician Tom Waits was born in 1949 and has been playing professionally since the late '60s. Those decades of performance in the age of video and tv allows us a special treat: The ability to compare and contrast Waits performing one of his signature songs, Tom Traubert's Blues, 48 years apart, in this lovely post shared by growabrain

Welcome to the The Land of Sneth

Faux gaming card of Rushad Eggleston

Come check out the infectiously fun Rushad Eggleston aka "The Cello Goblin"! This mini-documentary, shared by 'Fupped Duck', explores the inspirations of this joyful soul in all his gloriously madcap creativity.

11th Century Boy

Screenshot from video of Richard Thompson performing on stage with acoustic guitar

gingerbeer points out Richard Thompson's "1000 Years of Popular Music" in this week's free thread. "Playboy asked a select group of musicians to choose their ten favorite songs of the past millennium. Richard Thompson, believing what Playboy REALLY wanted were only songs from the last 20 years, took them literally. He gave Playboy EXACTLY what they asked for. He chose the best songs of the last 1000 years. Thompson never heard from them again."

by taz

"It's a no-brainer"

His Hair is Perfect

Lil' WerewolfLil' Werewolf by Shaefer

In Ask Metafilter, As a werewolf, how do I better entertain young human children?

by taz

"Could I interest you in everything about "Inside"?"

moody silhouette photo of Bo Burnham onstage speaking into handheld mic

Gorgik: This post is a perfect homage, given the care and obsession that it took to make it. Rhaomi makes a rather spectacular post on comedian Bo Burnham and his pandemic special "Inside."

by taz

Do you wand to know a secret?

image of magic wand

verstegan has a great answer for divabat's question Why do magic wands look the way they do?

by taz

Ley Lines II

Finnish Beer Float via kaljakellunta.orgFinnish Beer Float via

Recently on Mefi, people and places around the world, enchanting, mysterious and magnetic:

"Who Killed Captain Alex: Uganda's First Action Movie" was produced, written, directed, shot, and edited by Nabwana IGG from his home in Wakaliga, Uganda for under $200, using real blood and a modified car jack for a tripod

In Cesena, Italy, a year long-project of getting one thousand musicians to play Foo Fighter's "Learn To Fly," in an effort to convince the band to do a show in their town

The annual beer float in Helsinki, Finland just kind of happens (note to self: poss Mefi competitive sport idea?)

Malaysian schoolkids perform choral speaking, a Greek-theatre-inspired cross between spoken word and choir

by taz

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