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Come sit with acclaimed actress Kathy Bates as she talks about her career and latest project. Stay for the moving moment when she's shown an invaluable moment from her past and decades of regret are finally erased.
Come sit with acclaimed actress Kathy Bates as she talks about her career and latest project. Stay for the moving moment when she's shown an invaluable moment from her past and decades of regret are finally erased.
Boom, asked and answered — within 2 minutes! randlesc asked about finding a remembered Youtube channel about various theatre traditions, and Iris Gambol was zippy AF with the answer: Crash Course Theatre, featuring a lot of interesting vids (with fun titles such as "Pee Jokes, the Italian Renaissance, Commedia Dell'Arte" and "Dances to Flute Music and Obscene Verse. It's Roman Theater, Everybody!")
"Mystery Science Theater Club, that odd tiny little corner of MeFi that shows bad and weird movies Thursdays every week, is doing a day-long show on Tuesday for US Election Day": JHarris in Metatalk. 🇺🇸
Theater Stage by joncutrer (cc by-nc)
prismatic7 on multiple aspects of planning accessibility in theatre spaces
photo via
adamsc links to a super secret stash of cunningly hidden Library of Congress cultural treasure in the Lizzo LOC thread
Ancient Epidavros by AldoBergsma (cc by)
modernhypatia tells us how to approach ancient Greek theater and lysimache suggests how to get started learning ancient Greek to read the tragedies for yourself.
functionequalsform gives us the inside tips and tricks from a retail makeup artist.
none of these will bring disaster has the inside scoop on how local news programs get made.
Deoridhe offers a timeline of prominent women in science fiction to bust the myth that sci fi has always been for boys
On a post about Mefi's own Maciej Cegłowski's Antarctica essay, we hear from some Mefites who have lived at McMurdo Station, Antarctica. McMurdo not remote enough? How about a daring mid-winter rescue mission at the South Pole?
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.