We're Getting The Band Back Together!
Strings by eleonoralbasi (cc by-sa)
Greenish is raising the flag for Mefi Music fans, old and new, in Metatalk.
Strings by eleonoralbasi (cc by-sa)
Greenish is raising the flag for Mefi Music fans, old and new, in Metatalk.
Finnish Beer Float via kaljakellunta.org
Recently on Mefi, people and places around the world, enchanting, mysterious and magnetic:
"Who Killed Captain Alex: Uganda's First Action Movie" was produced, written, directed, shot, and edited by Nabwana IGG from his home in Wakaliga, Uganda for under $200, using real blood and a modified car jack for a tripod
In Cesena, Italy, a year long-project of getting one thousand musicians to play Foo Fighter's "Learn To Fly," in an effort to convince the band to do a show in their town
The annual beer float in Helsinki, Finland just kind of happens (note to self: poss Mefi competitive sport idea?)
Malaysian schoolkids perform choral speaking, a Greek-theatre-inspired cross between spoken word and choir
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.