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Posts tagged with lists

A horse walks into a book store

humorous cartoon-y illustration of a horse with a surprised look on its face

The clerk says, "why the long reading list?" Oh, hey, cupcakeninja has made a post for lists of "classic novels that bring the laughs."

by taz

More Mefi gifting list updates

Braeburn is looking for quirky, unique, not gendered gift guides, preferably UK based, while egeanin is seeking gifts that teach the constellations, and nouvelle-personne wants to give the gift of Beeps and Boops for two siblings, 3 and 5, who LOVE interactive educational toys that talk or play music.. ❄️✨

by taz


photo of the illustrated list, which includes inked text and images for a herring, tortelli, two fennel soups, four anchovies and a small quarter of a rough wineDetail of Michelangelo's grocery list for an illiterate servant

List fiends and ephemera fans will want to make a note of chavenet's post on the excellent One Thing After Another: A Reading List for Lovers & Makers of Lists by Kanya Kanchana, and add Mefi's own gnimmel of "Listing to Port," and bkeaggy of Milk, Eggs, Vodka and (thank you kristi and limeonaire!) to your loving list of delightful listers.

by taz

Curmudgeon Approved!

Photo of steep, Escher-like spiralling wooden staircasesInspired by Escher - Photo by See1,Do1,Teach1 on Flickr

In case you missed it, zamboni served up a great list of WTIIF (What The Internet Is For) links in chasles' Metatalk post looking for an Ask Metafilter question about "websites that are amazingly specific, usually maintained by a cranky crank." (it was this one)

by taz

And now for something completely comics

illustration of two book covers side by side with the text SHUBEIK LUBEIK on one and YOUR WISH IS MY COMMAND on the other, with DEENA MOHAMED at the bottom of each. Both panels feature dark backgrounds with a vintage-style drawing of disembodied hands holding a glowing bottle with a label on itRitesh Babu's choice for best of the year:

chavenet posted Comics were real good last year, a short list of lists for best comics of 2023

by taz

Happy Endings

Photo montage of four films: The Princess Bride, Clueless, Akeelah and the Bee, Singin' in the Rainimage via

Mefites are discussing Vanity Fair's list of 31 feel-good movies to boost your mood.

by taz

Organizing a Life

In Ask Metafilter, artisthatithaca asks How Do You Keep Track of Your Life? "I need a system! I need ... something! I've got my work and life calendar under control, but I need a place to keep all the little tidbits I notice, ideas, writing, things from books, lists of books I've read and want to read, thoughts on life, etc..."

by taz

"There is no upside to this"

Burning BooksBurning Books by RRP-NYC (cc by-nc)

For the record, three of my books have been banned in TX, one has been banned in OK, and none of them got a sales boost: headspace speaking first-hand on the damage of book bans and how they are hurting kids.

by taz

it's what's inside that counts

packing...packing... by hans s (cc by-nd)

I find myself fascinated with packing lists. I scour the Peace Corps country-specific packing lists, despite not joining the Peace Corps. I found myself fascinated with the lists of items taking on the Oregon Trail (taken, abandoned, packed, included in the game, included in the Frontier Trails Museum ...

In Ask Metafilter, Ms Vegetable asks for directions to Weirdly Specific Packing and Possession Lists

by taz

It's supposed to be serious, grim, and epic, but it's unintentionally WTF when...

I grew up without cable, and am pretty much ignorant of everything but the "classic" music videos from the 80's; please let me know what I'm missing.

An awesomely generated list of 80s videos from Ask MetaFilter. Now with playlists!

Part 1 | Part 2

by jessamyn

"I might not be able to afford to come to the states yet, but perhaps this way I'll at least be able to get a taste of its four corners."

Built-Rite Wild Animal Map PuzzleBuilt-Rite Wild Animal Map Puzzle by MeFite Marxchivist (cc by)

What are the best films which have been made about your state or city?

by jessamyn

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