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Posts tagged with possessions

Death Cleaning

a collection of items on a polished wood tabletop covered by a crocheted cloth, including tea cups and saucers, a violin, an egg cup, a cut glass bowl, china candleholders, a tray, and old newspapersPhoto by Kevin Krejci on Flickr

With the long lives most people lead in the 21st century, we manage to accumulate a lot of possessions. But how should we handle that collection in our twilight years? Kitteh posted an article from The Walrus that looks at the question of what we should do with our stuff before we die.

by taz

it's what's inside that counts

packing...packing... by hans s (cc by-nd)

I find myself fascinated with packing lists. I scour the Peace Corps country-specific packing lists, despite not joining the Peace Corps. I found myself fascinated with the lists of items taking on the Oregon Trail (taken, abandoned, packed, included in the game, included in the Frontier Trails Museum ...

In Ask Metafilter, Ms Vegetable asks for directions to Weirdly Specific Packing and Possession Lists

by taz

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