A horse walks into a book store
The clerk says, "why the long reading list?" Oh, hey, cupcakeninja has made a post for lists of "classic novels that bring the laughs."
The clerk says, "why the long reading list?" Oh, hey, cupcakeninja has made a post for lists of "classic novels that bring the laughs."
Cracking jokes
Gorgik had a question about a joke Tina Fey made and peppercorn slid into Ask MetaFilter to give a fuller context to the answer, thank you!
It’s been said that once you peel away the layers, satire is simply a wrapping of exaggeration around a core of reality.
Which makes rubatan’s post about “india’s Most Honest News Source” a particularly savory and hilarious read!
Photo by Ellen Klages
This is a sort of follow up to the post about how people are handling possessions in their twilight years. But this post is about a single possession, a ham. It had been hanging in a basement for 20 years and with the passing of the "owner", decisions had to be made what to do with it, as seen in this post by davidmsc. Fair warning, there are photos of the "scary ham"!
Wait, wait, wait, you mean it’s possible to do comedy and cartography at the same?! As pointed out in this post by rory about the Map Men YouTube series, it is not only possible, the results are absolutely fantastic, come check’em out!
Screenshot from video!
Come descend into types of font jokes with Elle Cordova, in this light post by Jesse the K. Enjoy the fun as Elle keeps the spacing tight, gets to the point, and knows when to be bold!
In Ask Metafilter, Phanx is seeking cookbook joke titles that are puns on classic literature, "eg ‘Loaf of Pi’ or ‘Bun day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich,’" while mermaidcafe would like ideas for "Southern Slothic fiction titles." Time to put your mighty lowest-form-of-humor skills to work, everyone!
You may be wary of the speed bump that is a dad joke, but JHarris's sharing of the the website fatherhood.gov and its treasure trove of Dad Jokes, will help you get over that! :)
Hey, it's the end of week and the day after a major holiday in the USA, so let's chill out with The 2023 Comedy Wildlife Photo Awards! Grab your favorite beverage and check out the link that wowenthusiast posted!
stop laughing please... by John Bastoen (cc by)
It's Throwback Thursday to early 2021 (doesn't that seem like forever ago?!) when 'dances_with_sneetches' asked "What are some things that make you laugh every time you think of them?". The hivemind responds with its best!
comic by Sarah Lesson, via chaospet
In Ask Metafilter, Your favorite funny Twitter accounts?
Black Sheep Meets White Sheep by Ionics (cc by)
In Ask Metafilter, kristi is seeking likable characters, good writing, humor. Please recommend all your well-written, likeable characters. Humor appreciated. Plot optional, while kingdead commands, Bring me the unlikeable characters! I want to read books with unhappy endings, angst and drama, body horror, miserable relationships, etc. Absolutely no redemption! If the writing is experimental, all the better.
Not getting Involved by TarikB (cc by-nc)
So if you want to see what one looks like, go ahead and amble over here for your edification.
Laugh by Donna L. Faber (cc by-nd)
Movies, tv shows, YouTube, books .... looking for the BIG LAUGH. Not ironic, not sarcastic. Immediately, viscerally funny.
For kestralwing and Mr. K, the best Rx needed, stat: Laughter may be the best medicine, but where can I buy some?
Sausalito, CA by ClatieK (cc by-nd)
The very recent 'rats in the shitter' ...
posted by FigGod, I think I laughed at Rats in the Shitter for 10 minutes straight posted by thetortoise
I think we're due for another "this comment made me choke on my own spit" meta thread!: In Metatalk, phunniemee asks Mefites for "your favorite funny comments, moments where other mefites have made you giggle uncontrollably"
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.