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Posts tagged with jokes

Cracking jokes
Gorgik had a question about a joke Tina Fey made and peppercorn slid into Ask MetaFilter to give a fuller context to the answer, thank you!

Just Another Manic Punday

Simple black and white 1950s style drawing of a man in a suit holding his chin and looking up while thinking, with idea or exertion rays and question marks surrounding his head

In Ask Metafilter, Phanx is seeking cookbook joke titles that are puns on classic literature, "eg ‘Loaf of Pi’ or ‘Bun day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich,’" while mermaidcafe would like ideas for "Southern Slothic fiction titles." Time to put your mighty lowest-form-of-humor skills to work, everyone!

by taz

Twittery titters

comic by Sarah Lesson, via chaospet

In Ask Metafilter, Your favorite funny Twitter accounts?

by taz

Wholly Ghost

Call-in show: Tell us a joke!
We're doing another call-in show for the MetaFilter podcast, and we want to hear your jokes! Call (505) 663-6334 (or email us) and get your joke on!

by cortex

April Fools: explained

LibraryLibrary by thejester100 (cc by)

MetaFilter has a long history of doing something on April Fool's Day, and for this year we did something big, but subtle. If you were logged in and visited Ask MetaFilter yesterday, chances are you saw this special page of questions that might have looked familiar. They were all questions posed from the perspective of a character in a fictional book, film, or game. Members were also allowed to offer up answers to the characters.

If you missed the page yesterday, read through them and try and figure them out. If you're stumped and want to see the answer key, there's one on the MetaFilter Wiki. There's also a big MetaTalk discussion that covers lots of the hows, whos, and whys of it.

by mathowie

Face like Sr. Wences' fist

Punchlines without jokesPunchlines without jokes (cc by)

My father passed away this morning. I'm going through his file, and I came across JOKES.TXT ... which contains only the punchlines. Can the Mind please tell me the jokes?

Turns out, it could.

by jessamyn

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MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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