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Posts tagged with ideas

(Water)Cooler than You

close-up detail of A Complete Unknown film poster showing Timothée Chalamette as Bob Dlan in singlasses against a white backgroundcompletely unknown? Ways to promote Fanfare on the site ...

In Metatalk, people are talking about ideas for promoting and surfacing more Fanfare activity, and in Fanfare itself, Star Wars: Skeleton Crew, Nosferatu, Yacht Rock, and A Complete Unknown are among current hot topics. See more at the Watercooler!

by taz

'Tis the Season to be Linkin'

New Linkme

close-up photo of a simple red rope tied in a loose overhand knot against a plain white background

Oh hey, the current LinkMe thread is here (for links that are interesting but may not work as a front page post, or beginning point / idea for someone else to make a front page post).

by taz

Weld Thing, I Think I love You

abstract collage of intersecting and looping strips of colorful plexiglas in shades of red, green, yellow, and black, against a white backgroundLink (Assemblage) (1971) - João Vieira (1934 - 2009) via Pedro Ribeiro Simões on Flickr

A new Link Me post has been forged! Come find a topic to post, or offer your idea for a topic for someone else to post! Thanks, CMcG!

by taz

Just Another Manic Punday

Simple black and white 1950s style drawing of a man in a suit holding his chin and looking up while thinking, with idea or exertion rays and question marks surrounding his head

In Ask Metafilter, Phanx is seeking cookbook joke titles that are puns on classic literature, "eg ‘Loaf of Pi’ or ‘Bun day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich,’" while mermaidcafe would like ideas for "Southern Slothic fiction titles." Time to put your mighty lowest-form-of-humor skills to work, everyone!

by taz

so then I thought to myself ...

photo of of orange liquid in martini glass with a spear of olives and cheese and two boxes of velveeta in the background

tiny frying pan is looking for more people having terrible ideas, following through.

by taz

Gnawing Questions

Potato on a White BackgroundPotato on a White Background by wuestenigel (cc by)

In Ask Metafilter, Can this potato salad be improved?

by taz

Eye Drops

Moasic Monday : feb 25Moasic Monday : feb 25 by ali edwards (cc by-nc-nd)

carlypennylane asks Where are the Visual Inspiration Websites These Days?

by taz

Balancing Act

Piedras de primavera, spring stones.Piedras de primavera, spring stones. by Vvillamon (cc by-sa)

Life hacks for the psyche and emotional wellbeing? What's a good habit that you introduced in your life and has since made all the difference?

by taz

How about some fun community indoor activities?

"BUSY CITY" by jjlcooterpie (cc by)

Discussion in Metatalk

by taz

Super Models

signaling (animated)signaling (animated) by Genista (cc by-sa)

In fact, the proximate cause for posting this was so I could more effectively answer the question I frequently get from people I work with: "what should I learn next?"

If you didn't catch it, blahblahblah's post about Gabriel Weinberg's list of useful mental models is a good roadmap for exploring approaches to brainstorming, deciding, reasoning, negotiating, strategizing, managing, mitigating, and much more. Gray cells, activate!

by taz

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