Eye Drops
Moasic Monday : feb 25 by ali edwards (cc by-nc-nd)
carlypennylane asks Where are the Visual Inspiration Websites These Days?
MeFi Holiday Card Exchange Planning currently happening in Metatalk, as well as discussing the idea of a CD micro SD Swap, and the possibility of a MeFi Visual Arts Club.
Moasic Monday : feb 25 by ali edwards (cc by-nc-nd)
carlypennylane asks Where are the Visual Inspiration Websites These Days?
Hands up by vapour trail (cc by-nd)
The hardest (oddest?) part? You learn that a fairly likely outcome of your attempt to rescue a conscious non-swimmer is that you will be attacked, and so you have to learn underwater combat tactics, so that you won't be drowned the first time you try to carry out a rescue.
infinite intimation and other former lifeguards comment in the Spot the Drowning Child thread, while some survivors remember. Plus, Mefi's worst (imaginary) lifeguard, racial swimming disparity / swimming pool discrimination, dreaming underwater, and PS: Please don't throw babies in pools.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.