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Posts tagged with talk

Good Things

Tell us something good! It's your weekly Free Thread! Or you can let us meta-pet your Meta Pet in the Metacritter Metatalk thread! 🐶🐱

by taz

Language, please!

حر, Free, Frei, Gratis, Dohainik ... It's your weekly Free Thread!

by taz

I'd quite like to be my cat — paduasoy

Who would you be, if you could be anyone? It's your weekly Free Thread!

by taz


What sort of noises do you make? It's your weekly Free Thread!

by taz

Good Morning

(Water)Cooler than You

close-up detail of A Complete Unknown film poster showing Timothée Chalamette as Bob Dlan in singlasses against a white backgroundcompletely unknown? Ways to promote Fanfare on the site ...

In Metatalk, people are talking about ideas for promoting and surfacing more Fanfare activity, and in Fanfare itself, Star Wars: Skeleton Crew, Nosferatu, Yacht Rock, and A Complete Unknown are among current hot topics. See more at the Watercooler!

by taz

The signs are posted all over town

Reality is collapsing. There are no rules. But there is a Thread. It's weekly. It's free. It's your weekly #freethread. Say hello to Mrs. French's cat if you see her there.

by taz

Hot Today 🌞

the weekly Free Thread is always a bright spot

by taz


Time Shift, Metatalktails

Cookies and Talktails!

birthday cake martini with sprinkles in a glass and dipped strawberriesbirthday cake martini with sprinkles in a glass and dipped strawberries by (cc by)

Reminder: Just a few days left to sign up for the amazing, fabulous 2016 Metafilter Cookie Swap! Also, if you are looking for a soothing politics-free zone with cool pets and warm chat with other Mefites, check out the Metatalktail Hour thread!

by taz

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





