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Posts tagged with links

The first link party!of 2025?

Let’s start the year with lots of links, courtesy of Rhaomi and a new LinkMe thread!

Creatures Stirring ... 🐁

Your weekly Free Thread is here; the annual MST Club Christmas Video Marathon is go; it's (still) the season to be linkin'; the current Gift Swap thank you thread is here.

by taz

'Tis the Season to be Linkin'

Helpful government links for US citizens

Eustatic posted an excellent comment that has "some resources from your federal and state and county governments" for US citizens. Very helpful and useful information in light of the recent hurricanes.

New Linkme

close-up photo of a simple red rope tied in a loose overhand knot against a plain white background

Oh hey, the current LinkMe thread is here (for links that are interesting but may not work as a front page post, or beginning point / idea for someone else to make a front page post).

by taz

Weld Thing, I Think I love You

abstract collage of intersecting and looping strips of colorful plexiglas in shades of red, green, yellow, and black, against a white backgroundLink (Assemblage) (1971) - João Vieira (1934 - 2009) via Pedro Ribeiro Simões on Flickr

A new Link Me post has been forged! Come find a topic to post, or offer your idea for a topic for someone else to post! Thanks, CMcG!

by taz

A Reader's Treasure Box

Under the starsUnder the stars by Fan.D & Dav.C Photgraphy (cc by)

IYKYK, but Wobbuffet has made a list, and that's always a reason to celebrate. This one breaks out recommended books that authors have enjoyed reading this year, plus adds links to excellent readable online works by each of those recommending authors. A labor of love for the end of a tough year. 💖

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher





