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Posts tagged with letters

"everything is so expensive"

beautifully handwitten letter on old paperBen Browne letter to his father via

chariot pulled by cassowaries posted This Is What Being in Your Twenties Was Like in 18th-Century London, a collection of letters describing a 27-year-old’s office job, social life and financial concerns beginning in 1719.

by taz

Turn on some music, read a nice letter, have a time travel cocktail

TruToneTruTone by Steve Walser (cc by-nc-nd)

The MetaFilterMusic Podcast is BACK, BABY, thanks to greenish, who has also put up a new MeFi Music Challenge, The Collaboration Station. Meanwhile back in Metatalk, want a letter in your rl mailbox? Cos you can totally get a letter. Check out chiefthe's Modern Pen Pal Project, before Kristi's Metatalktail topic sends you back, back in time, to the small moments.

by taz


photo of M overlooking the University of Montana from Mount Sentinel in Missoula Letter M overlooking the University of Montana from Mount Sentinel in Missoula photo by Kaszeta

In the western part of the United States, whole communities succumb to the urge to display their school or community pride by stamping their initial on the sides of mountains

Hillside Letters in the Western Landscape

by taz

Wholly Ghost

April is the coolest month

Illustration Friday - MailIllustration Friday - Mail by The hills are alive* (cc by)

Great first post from needlegrrl, A good handwritten letter is a creative act celebrating April as (US) National Letter Writing Month.

Also see hippybear's Metatalk thread April Showers Bring May Flowers about posting "simply happy, joyous, silly, or positive posts" this month. (Also open to discussion for a May posting theme.)

by taz


Mail ChuteMail Chute by Teknorat (cc by-sa)

Anyway the seams between the plastic sheets sometimes intercepted the corner of an envelope. In a building as tall as the WTC mail would hit impressive speeds. So one jammed letter would quickly gather many letters, traveling near the speed of sound, into a densely packed arterial blockage ... Guess who found them?

Splunge recounts his adventures as an "ex-officio mail plumber" valiantly clearing clogs in the WTC mail chutes in Ragini's fun post, The mail chutes of New York City

by taz

Secret Diaries in a small world

Astrid Lindgren notebookPages from one of Lindgrens' notebooks. Photo credit: Andrea Davis Kronlund / Kungliga Biblioteket via

It's a small world. This man's granddaughter - whose wartime letter was read by Astrid Lindgren and copied in secret - teaches my daughter violin.

Three blind mice comments in the Astrid Lindgren wartime diaries thread on his friendship with the son of the letter-writer whose missive to his brother led Lindgren to write: "Hitler apparently intends to transform all of Poland into a ghetto, where the poor Jews will die of hunger and filth..."

by taz

That one lesson drastically changed the way I look at the world

198.365 a box full of letters addressed to me, #363 in explore198.365 a box full of letters addressed to me, #363 in explore by ashley rose, (cc by-nc-nd)

On a sunny January morning at the Burggymnasium Altena, Herr Hohage instructed us to close the blinds on our floor to ceiling windows. The day before, we had asked him how people could be taken in by [Hitler]. He intended to demonstrate.

In the Hitler practice photos thread, MissySedai recalls her time as a young exchange student in Germany, a shattering classroom lesson on the persuasive power of Adolf Hitler, and the letters home that processed the pain.

by taz

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