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Posts tagged with diaries

Simple Pleasures

close-up color photo of a fresh, dewy daisy against a black backgrounddetail of photo by Calebe Miranda at

nightrecordings is asking for "recommendations for memoirs and personal diaries written by people who made a conscious choice to live a more ascetic life, and in turn discover how to better appreciate simple, but meaningful, pleasures," and the Ask Me crew is coming through!

by taz

More Peeps like Pepys?

Books About Town, Book Benches, Samuel Pepy's DiaryBooks About Town, Book Benches, Samuel Pepy's Diary by Martin Pettitt (cc by)

I was just curious if anyone else is recognized as having had a similar place, in terms of chronicling a particular place in history and daily life as it happened to them?

Alensin asks, I've begun reading the Diary of Samuel Pepys, and was curious if similar sources exist for other historical periods?

by taz

Lovin' the Ruins

Secret Diaries in a small world

Astrid Lindgren notebookPages from one of Lindgrens' notebooks. Photo credit: Andrea Davis Kronlund / Kungliga Biblioteket via

It's a small world. This man's granddaughter - whose wartime letter was read by Astrid Lindgren and copied in secret - teaches my daughter violin.

Three blind mice comments in the Astrid Lindgren wartime diaries thread on his friendship with the son of the letter-writer whose missive to his brother led Lindgren to write: "Hitler apparently intends to transform all of Poland into a ghetto, where the poor Jews will die of hunger and filth..."

by taz

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