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Posts tagged with recommendation

Looking for poetry book recommendations

Photo by Book Catalog, via Flickr (

Lois1950's grandson would like a book of poetry. He's 13 and a avid reader, what would you recommend?

Friends Help Friends Find Sci-Fi

in shades of yellow, orange, and rust, two figures in silhouette seen from the back, one in trenchcoat, hat, and boots, and one in trousers and short coat, walking towards a futuristic silhouetted cityscape with an alien sky aboveCover detail from "The Mimicking of Known Successes" by Malka Older

Can you be the friend who reads all the current sci-fi and then excitedly recommends the ones the poster might like? Omnomnom is looking for character driven stories written in the past two years or so, so help a pal out?

by taz

Humans as pets, just not in THAT way, please!

Photo by Daniel Hargrave, via Flickr ( Are you looking for NON-erotic sci-fi stories about humans being kept as pets by aliens? Well over in Ask MetaFilter, so is PikeMatchbox and MeFites are chiming in with their recommendations! Be a good hooman and check it out!

Once you do see a Studio Ghibli film, you never forget and want more

Studio Ghibli logo

🎟️🎥🍿 What anime would you recommend for someone who just got into the medium via Studio Ghibli? 'Cause lizard2590 is looking for suggestions, so come check out what’s been recommended or add your own!

Let's stay in and watch our favorites!

photo by “Amy Gallatin / Montclair Film”, via Flickr

It's cold in much of the world and who wants to go out when its like that? Wowenthusiast certainly doesn't and is asking for your most favoritest documentaries to watch while avoiding winter weather.

Book Recs vs Book Wrecks

Black Sheep Meets White SheepBlack Sheep Meets White Sheep by Ionics (cc by)

In Ask Metafilter, kristi is seeking likable characters, good writing, humor. Please recommend all your well-written, likeable characters. Humor appreciated. Plot optional, while kingdead commands, Bring me the unlikeable characters! I want to read books with unhappy endings, angst and drama, body horror, miserable relationships, etc. Absolutely no redemption! If the writing is experimental, all the better.

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher





