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Posts tagged with india

Defying conventional standards of beauty

Photo © Keerthana Kunnath

It's said that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. bBut when the beholder is you, what does one see when that beauty is outside of the norm? Chavenet's post about a burgeoning community of female bodybuilders in Kerala, India touches on this question and the answers highlight the beauty of becoming the person you want to be, and not what society says you should be.

Is that a mango and does it matter?!

Photo by Saad Akhtar via Flickr (

You like mangos? Great, just be aware that the mango you're enjoying may not be a mango, but it doesn't matter, it's still delicious! Community member agentofselection created a fantastic and fascinating post about this "controversy".

Savory Satire

It’s been said that once you peel away the layers, satire is simply a wrapping of exaggeration around a core of reality. Which makes rubatan’s post about “india’s Most Honest News Source” a particularly savory and hilarious read!

Ley Lines V

IMG_1697IMG_1697 by (cc by)

Recently on Mefi, people and places around the world, enchanting, mysterious and magnetic:

40 years of Shenzhen, from market village to SEZ

Breaking the Ice, rare Icelandic funk- and soul-inspired music

Central Station, stories from cattle stations in the Australian outback

Georgia Has a Coast? Photos by drone of the Georgia coast that fills his soul

Women's Worlds in Qajar Iran: looking at the lives of women during the Qajar dynasty (1796-1925)

La Scarzuola: deep in Italy, one man’s surrealist mini-city sleeps

Arundhati Roy on the politics of language and translation in India

Beyond 'Florida Man': The problem with writing about Florida

Figures In The Stars: comparing 28 different sky cultures

by taz

Culture loupe

Harvesting Palm SugarHarvesting Palm Sugar by edbrambley (cc by-sa)

Join Mefites for a deep dive on some arts and culture from outside the west:

Catchy song and an intro to Kriol language and culture from an Indigenous Australian singer

A new movie provides a window into the unique culture, language, and politics of multigenerational Tamil-Malaysians

Classic short story from "one of Bengal's greatest writers"

Men's fashion from a prizewinning Indian designer

Regional politics, arts and music from Sudanese and South Sudanese journalists

Music to my ears

100 Cassettes100 Cassettes by Marc Arsenault - Wow Cool (cc by-nd)

Some music posts lately huh?

Did you hear the newly-found clean recording of Louis Armstrong, 1929? Also check the comments for more clean recordings of stars from that era.

Get down with Indian disco and funk star Usha Uthup

A deep dive on the crazy-ass Japanese pop maestro Keiichi Suzuki of Moonriders; too much to sum up.

Up and coming Cuban jazz singer Daymé Arocena: her "vocal repertoire encompasses scatting, Afro-Cuban chanting, scratchy-throated whispers, and a deep, gusty laugh."

Backstage with Farida Khanum, the Pakistani elder stateswoman of classical ghazal poetry singing - "I don’t think she knew how popular she was with young people until I sat her down one day and placed a computer on her lap..."

Mark the passing of Papa Wemba, Congolese music legend - BlahLaLa remembers: "I picked up his music wherever I could find it, and it brought me such joy. When I came home I eagerly pushed those cassettes into friends' hands -- "You've got to listen to this!""

History of one-man bands

What are some pop songs that were big hits across Europe, but not in the US?

Where's the best classical and opera, streaming online? And while we're at it, how about some great eclectic radio, streaming online?

Recommendations! Intro to conscious hip-hop, or some new-ish soul-ish, or something dreamy, or "it'll be alright" comfort music, or turn up the upbeat mixes for working outdoors, or maybe dance music that always makes you happy.

Mefi Miscellany

SaydeeSaydee by Ranger Robb

Grab bag time!

Got a cold? Folk remedies from around the world.

What's that thing embedded in the street? Why, it's a recycled cotton gin part.

Thinking of buying a Gudetama, the egg with ennui? Be sure to check the butt.

Want an earworm? Comedy group All India Bakchod offers this song about social media creeps.

Want to be weepy for pets? Mefites share their old dog stories and old cat stories (comic by Mefi's own Narrative Priorities).

Style Pile II

Ramses condom package design via cardhouse.comRamses condom package design

Ramses condoms are named after Ramses II, who had almost 160 children. Condoms are kind of all about preventing lots of kids ... And the Trojans famously let a large object inside their city which discharged a swarm of invaders that destroyed it. Again, isn't this exactly the opposite of what a condom should do? Sangermaine

Arousing, spacey, spicy and dashing design recently on Mefi: Vintage condom package designs; An extravagant symbol of a man who can’t hide his true nature – A brief history on Spats; Taxi Fabric connects young Indian designers with taxi drivers; When Airlines Looked Cool and Showed It, posters from flying's golden age; In the '70s, NASA commissioned a redesign of their "meatball" logo... unfortunately a lot of NASA engineers hated it. And of course, Mefites weigh in on the Google logo redesign.

and in the Green: Who originated the ubiquitous laser/neon grid design of the '80s?; Cool examples of generative art?; How can I make beautiful Powerpoint Slides?; "The best way I can describe it is 'whimsical'" – Where can I get more plates like this?

by taz

Ley Lines III

diorama by Tatsuya TanakaLaputa: Castle in the Sky / 天空の城ラピュタ(バルス後) by Tatsuya Tanaka

Recently on Mefi, people and places around the world, enchanting, mysterious and magnetic:

World Jollof Rice Day, you say? Jollof rice is a traditional West African dish, but not a humble one

From the Persian for "eyebrow," Ebru (paper marbling) has a long tradition in Turkey

The villagers of Kannauj have inherited a remarkable skill: They can capture the scent of rain

Au Revoir, Mogadishu Vol. 1 — Songs From Before The War: '70s and '80s Somali sound

Since April 20, 2011, Japanese artist Tatsuya Tanaka has created tiny dioramas with common household objects as landscape for tiny people, one every day

Chiara Vigo is the last master of weaving the sea-silk cloth bysso and showcases her art at Museo del Bisso in Sant'Antioco, Sardinia

by taz

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