Best Of MetaFilter

Posts tagged with socialmedia

Love to love ya, baby

photo of a blue butterfly on white background: Dorsal view of male butterfly which was captured in Peru and is stored in Muséum de Toulouseimage from Muséum de Toulouse, CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Who are MetaFilter's BlueSky favorites?

by taz

What It Takes To Run A Social Media Platform

Image by Andreas Eldh, via Flickr ( Over on AskMetaFilter, nushustu posted an interesting question for our technological age: with much of its staff let go, how is X (nee Twitter) still running? The many answers are an illuminating look at running social media on a large scale.

Tape To Wall

ON THE MEDIA logo, all text

Apropos of nothing in particular, EndsOfInvention reminds us of The Breaking News Consumer's Handbook. Always good to keep at hand.

by taz

"I stand with penguins!"

photo showing three Gentoo penguins at Dorian Bay, Wiencke Island, Antarctica, trumpeting with their heads thrown back.Penguins Trumpeting by D-Stanley (cc by)

yasaman posted How to Comment on Social Media by Rebecca Solnit and mefites are offering their cheeky addendums.

by taz

Stuffed animal social media

photo of a cream-colored stuffed rabbit against a dark backgroundMy Velveteen Rabbit by Alyssa L. Miller (cc by)

"My 11 year old announced he wants to keep track of all his stuffed animals. On paper, he has maybe invented 2005 Facebook all over again, for his imagination. How can we do this?"

by taz

that's where I'm a-vining

Invasion - connect the dotsInvasion - connect the dots by Ales Kladnik (cc by)

The art of the tiny comedy - in recognition of the shuttering of Vine, come share your favorite vines.

Mefi Miscellany

SaydeeSaydee by Ranger Robb

Grab bag time!

Got a cold? Folk remedies from around the world.

What's that thing embedded in the street? Why, it's a recycled cotton gin part.

Thinking of buying a Gudetama, the egg with ennui? Be sure to check the butt.

Want an earworm? Comedy group All India Bakchod offers this song about social media creeps.

Want to be weepy for pets? Mefites share their old dog stories and old cat stories (comic by Mefi's own Narrative Priorities).

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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