"At sea, it’s real."
My first hitch as a licensed guy, we get mayday calls. Deepwater Horizon. 33 nm east. Mayday. In a great comment, HVACDC_Bag reflects on working on spill response vessels in the Honda Point Disaster thread.
My first hitch as a licensed guy, we get mayday calls. Deepwater Horizon. 33 nm east. Mayday. In a great comment, HVACDC_Bag reflects on working on spill response vessels in the Honda Point Disaster thread.
"Shoots you down in a lifeboat, in choppy water, at night, on Easter.": I'd like some insight as to why this sign would be on a state supervisor and an office manager's door to their shared office. Mysterious! But Ask Mefi answerers come through!
More people have been to the Moon than the Hadal Zone.
Dive into motty's post of Neal Agarwal's awesome deep sea scroller to view unfathomable mysteries of the vasty depths, meter by meter
bassomatic says, "my dad and his team of underwater archaeologists were the first to find an ancient shipwreck using side-scan sonar..."
Scary stories and freaky facts about oxygen deprivation at altitude
How does a scuba diver smell shipwreck cheese underwater? And some other ancient foods, eaten in the name of science
AskMe offers some resources on cloudwatching for beginners
Moby Dick is fabulous - Mefites talk Melville and subtext, and what you thought of classic novels before you read them, and the linked writer drops by to respond
Submersible finds glowy purple orb in the depths
And finally, that pressing question, what if I fell out of an airplane in a tank full of water?
Recently on Mefi, people and places around the world, enchanting, mysterious and magnetic:
World Jollof Rice Day, you say? Jollof rice is a traditional West African dish, but not a humble one
From the Persian for "eyebrow," Ebru (paper marbling) has a long tradition in Turkey
The villagers of Kannauj have inherited a remarkable skill: They can capture the scent of rain
Au Revoir, Mogadishu Vol. 1 — Songs From Before The War: '70s and '80s Somali sound
Since April 20, 2011, Japanese artist Tatsuya Tanaka has created tiny dioramas with common household objects as landscape for tiny people, one every day
Chiara Vigo is the last master of weaving the sea-silk cloth bysso and showcases her art at Museo del Bisso in Sant'Antioco, Sardinia
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.