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Posts tagged with physics

Big Planck Energy

stylized illustration of a whimsical outer space scene with line art elements. It features a Max Planck figure with a crown, glasses, and a P on its chest, speaking mathematical formulas in a speech bubble. Surrounding him are various space-themed elements: UFOs, planets, an orbiting satellite, asteroids, clouds, stars, and a robotic figure on a platform. The lines and shapes are minimalist, using red, yellow, and white outlines against a dark backgroundArtwork by Sandbox Studio, Chicago with Caroline Fox at

below the weak scale, everything is so intensely quantum-mechanical that it doesn't really make sense to talk about length at all anymore. Instead, we talk about energy ... You want to talk about Planck units? Because we can talk about Planck units. Well, fantabulous timewaster can, at any rate, and it's a beautiful thing.

by taz

It all comes down to physics

National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) drone image of Francis Scott Key Bridge and Cargo Ship Dali

In hydra77's thread about the cargo ship crashing into the bridge, two comments in particular stand out. First, automatronic’s experience gives a look at the various issues of of maintaining and running a ship. Then WaylandSmith notes the physics involved that caused the collapse. Fascinating and enlightening information!

You were only waiting for this moment to arise

Screenshot of Blackbird from Veritasium's video

A month ago, Youtuber Veritasium sailed Blackbird directly downwind faster than the wind. Afterwards, a physics professor bet him $10,000 that it didn't happen... Confused? clawsoon's post on the whole affair is here to help.

by taz

Ask a simple question...

the only warning you will getthe only warning you will get by frankieleon (cc by)

griphus inquires: "In a hot mug of liquid, is the liquid at the top hotter or cooler than the liquid at the bottom?"

by taz

Grab bag

Anableps anablepsAnableps anableps by rubund (cc by-sa)

zamboni with the facts about giant diamonds, the Venus lander, and what this has to do with export taxes.

Can a fish see out of water? Wolfster introduces us to the amazing anablep, the fish whose eyes are bifocals.

Pogo_Fuzzybutt reflects on "one of the better" pizzas he's had -- the day began with a hiker falling off a cliff (Spoiler: don't worry, the hiker lives).

The briny deep and the bright blue sky

Seafloor Surveys After KatrinaSeafloor Surveys After Katrina by NOAA Images

bassomatic says, "my dad and his team of underwater archaeologists were the first to find an ancient shipwreck using side-scan sonar..."

Scary stories and freaky facts about oxygen deprivation at altitude

How does a scuba diver smell shipwreck cheese underwater? And some other ancient foods, eaten in the name of science

AskMe offers some resources on cloudwatching for beginners

Moby Dick is fabulous - Mefites talk Melville and subtext, and what you thought of classic novels before you read them, and the linked writer drops by to respond

Submersible finds glowy purple orb in the depths

And finally, that pressing question, what if I fell out of an airplane in a tank full of water?

Space post, with the space most

First NBL training run - Getting a feel for the suit.First NBL training run - Getting a feel for the suit. by AstroSamantha (cc by)

Did you enjoy last night's live thread watching the Jupiter mission?

Check out the big auction of space items like navigational globes -- alongside this video from (Mefi's own) engineerguy Bill Hammack on how some of that equipment worked. (Also don't miss his video series recreating Faraday's historical lectures on how a candle works.)

Flight history detectives: Who was the first child to fly in an airplane?

From backseatpilot and Eleven, some expert answers to that age-old question: Which has better aerodynamics, an X-Wing or a TIE fighter?

Higgs Boson For Poets

The Large Hadron Collider/ATLAS at CERNThe Large Hadron Collider/ATLAS at CERN by Image Editor (cc by)

Without the Higgs boson, electrons (and quarks) would be massless. MeFi member physicsmatt helps explain it for the layman.

by mathowie

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