What is the tax on second breakfast?
Are there taxes in the Shire? Tolkien never got into those details, but luckily Nathan Goldwag has given some thought to these issues as pointed out in this excellent post by Kattullus!
Are there taxes in the Shire? Tolkien never got into those details, but luckily Nathan Goldwag has given some thought to these issues as pointed out in this excellent post by Kattullus!
Anableps anableps by rubund (cc by-sa)
zamboni with the facts about giant diamonds, the Venus lander, and what this has to do with export taxes.
Can a fish see out of water? Wolfster introduces us to the amazing anablep, the fish whose eyes are bifocals.
Pogo_Fuzzybutt reflects on "one of the better" pizzas he's had -- the day began with a hiker falling off a cliff (Spoiler: don't worry, the hiker lives).
So, I've been volunteer firefighting and working rescue squad for a couple of months now. And it's not that I live in a rural area-- in fact, I live in one of the top 10 largest cities in TN-- but it is a place that is vehemently anti-large government and anti-tax. And it's been very interesting to see, up close and personal, what that actually means for fire and rescue and other emergency services.
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