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Posts tagged with starwars

Oppression breeds Rebellion

Season 2 of the acclaimed science fiction series Andor is set to debut on April 22, prompting Kattullus to create a post about season 1. In the thread we talk about the show's anti fascism and Marxist outlook, along with why this particular show is among the best fiction that occurs in a galaxy far, far away.

"it's a little sweary"

cartoon swearing symbols

signal posted Ludicity's peppery thoughts about AI grifting and attendant ubiquitous bluesky ML/LLM technobabble burnout, and the Mefi community is feeling it. Likewise sweary, Lucy Mangan's Guardian review of BBC's "The Stormtrooper Scandal" about just one of the grubby, greedy tales arising from the great NFT racket, posted by ec2y. Ahhh, NFTs. 'member them? (HT to fiercekitten for the post title)

by taz

Space post, with the space most

First NBL training run - Getting a feel for the suit.First NBL training run - Getting a feel for the suit. by AstroSamantha (cc by)

Did you enjoy last night's live thread watching the Jupiter mission?

Check out the big auction of space items like navigational globes -- alongside this video from (Mefi's own) engineerguy Bill Hammack on how some of that equipment worked. (Also don't miss his video series recreating Faraday's historical lectures on how a candle works.)

Flight history detectives: Who was the first child to fly in an airplane?

From backseatpilot and Eleven, some expert answers to that age-old question: Which has better aerodynamics, an X-Wing or a TIE fighter?

Star Wars

Almost TimeAlmost Time by MikeSpeaks (cc by)

Need to talk about the new Star Wars? Fanfare's got you covered, including Mefi's own adrianhon checking in from a panel discussion with the cast.

If you've been brushing up on the original films to prepare, you might enjoy the Fanfare rewatches of all the previous Star Wars movies.

For more, check out the posts tagged 'StarWars' including fun odds and ends like Star Wars, the pencil game and real fencers doing light saber battle.

Star Wars art? Scenes made of Lego, and some paintings in classical Japanese style

Nerdy analytic overthinking? The economics of the Death Star and the legal case of Han vs. Greedo. Ask those hard questions like are the Jedi overrated? and of course is Jar Jar the big boss?

Star Wars Kid Speaks Up

A former classmate of Ghyslain Raza (otherwise known as the infamous Star Wars Kid) talks about what it was like going through law school with him and how amazing it is to hear Ghyslain speak about cyberbullying, ten years later:

Think about that burden, and the awful paranoia and loathing that would fester. And think about the publicity and retraumatization that will entail from stepping out like this, especially considering how much he has been protecting his identity the last 10 years.

Considering all of that, it is fucking HEROIC that he has decided to step into public and take a stand for such a good and appropriate cause. I would never in a million years have the guts to do it.

by mathowie

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Brandon Blatcher





