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Posts tagged with hot

Ok, Everybody Be Cool!

Photo by Mike Mozard via Flickr ( For the old house and non AC people there is (literally) only one burning question: What are your best fan strategies? AgentRocket has started the discussion, come see what people are suggesting! But please pick up a pack of something cold before coming over, please and thank you!

Heat Cheat Sheet

bright burning sun high in an electric blue cloudless sky

Bet there are some tips you haven't considered in Jane the Brown's long list of heat-beating strategies.

by taz

Ask a simple question...

the only warning you will getthe only warning you will get by frankieleon (cc by)

griphus inquires: "In a hot mug of liquid, is the liquid at the top hotter or cooler than the liquid at the bottom?"

by taz

"Stir it with a workmate's pen - never your own"

Caution: I'm HotCaution: I'm Hot by CarbonNYC [in SF!] (cc by)

The goal is to take this fiery, unstable chalice to the sugar counter without losing too many fingers to third degree burns. Once there you add roughly two sugars. I say "roughly" because there aren't actually any spoons - just one of those weird sugar jars with a funnel lid (which may, or may not, be clogged up) so you have to guesstimate.

garius on "caff tea."

by taz

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





