Deep Scroll
More people have been to the Moon than the Hadal Zone.
Dive into motty's post of Neal Agarwal's awesome deep sea scroller to view unfathomable mysteries of the vasty depths, meter by meter
More people have been to the Moon than the Hadal Zone.
Dive into motty's post of Neal Agarwal's awesome deep sea scroller to view unfathomable mysteries of the vasty depths, meter by meter
Each one should evoke a little wow or aww or pop of curiosity or excitement to try it: In Ask Metafilter, this-apoptosis is looking for 20 tiny wonders
spamandkimchi draws our grateful attention to Senegalese musician Salliou playing the cas cas (also known as the aslatua, aslato, kashaka, cascas, televi, kasso-kassoni...)
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.