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Posts tagged with folk

The most cost effective way to move 76 beavers

Hey, did you know about that time when the Idaho Fish and Game program relocated 76 beavers by flying them to central Idaho and then parachuting them to the ground? No? Then let community member sawdustbear tell you all about it via folk musical puppet documentary done with stop motion animation.

The New Folk Hero

The recent news events with UnitedHealthcare CEO has inspired a lot commentary. But what about a song? Well, limeonaire wrote one, a folk song titled “The New Folk Hero”. Come stop by for a listen, the lyrics and the chords!

Photo by Eli Christman, via Flickr (

British Ritual Year of 2019

Come watch this documentary on the British Ritual Year of 2019, which showcases 20 local traditions across the Britain. Long and fascinating, well worth the time!

"how have I made it this long without knowing about this instrument?"

Salliou on YouTubeSalliou on YouTube

spamandkimchi draws our grateful attention to Senegalese musician Salliou playing the cas cas (also known as the aslatua, aslato, kashaka, cascas, televi, kasso-kassoni...)

by taz

Courage, Dear Hearts!

courage dear heartcourage dear heart by distelfliege (cc by)

We've borrowed the quidnunc kid's kind message of love and sharing to all of us to wrap up some touching, interesting, inspiring, educational, fun and/or funny posts to take our minds off certain recent events:

Dear hearts, I should write to you all and each only to say: you are dear, precious, lovely and great hearts. But my words are all worthless, and your honest hearts are greater than my useless words. Persist, I beg you; if we cry together maybe fate will let us halve our tears. But better that you have relief, if the Earth did not make hearts for only weeping.

by taz

Ley Lines

Kozyndan Nakano In Spring detailKozyndan Nakano In Spring detail

Recently on Mefi, people and places around the world, enchanting, mysterious and magnetic:

The Banjo Bands of Malawi is a video clip featuring three different performances of a certain strain of folk music from the small African nation.

From the 1920s to the 1960s, German people loved to pose with actors dressed as polar bears.

LA-based art duo kozyndan posted an immersive "VR" experience of their 2009 Miyazaki-esque piece "Nakano In Spring".

by taz

Deconstructed Americana

Americana album coverAmericana album cover

Neil Young has a new album out and MeFi member yourcelf breaks down all the tracks with some background info on how much more there is to common folk songs we sing around the campfire.

by mathowie

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