A horse walks into a book store
The clerk says, "why the long reading list?" Oh, hey, cupcakeninja has made a post for lists of "classic novels that bring the laughs."
The clerk says, "why the long reading list?" Oh, hey, cupcakeninja has made a post for lists of "classic novels that bring the laughs."
From a photo via PixaBay.com
In a pointed response to the sexist assumption that "books by women, about women, are more likely to be considered 'light reading,'" joannemerriam has assembled a great list of "small press books by women, about women, including Become Ungovernable, Feminism against Cisness, On Strike Against God, and 25 more."
Detail of Michelangelo's grocery list for an illiterate servant
List fiends and ephemera fans will want to make a note of chavenet's post on the excellent One Thing After Another: A Reading List for Lovers & Makers of Lists by Kanya Kanchana, and add Mefi's own gnimmel of "Listing to Port," and bkeaggy of Milk, Eggs, Vodka and grocerylists.org. (thank you kristi and limeonaire!) to your loving list of delightful listers.
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