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Posts tagged with WebSites

Curmudgeon Approved!

Photo of steep, Escher-like spiralling wooden staircasesInspired by Escher - Photo by See1,Do1,Teach1 on Flickr

In case you missed it, zamboni served up a great list of WTIIF (What The Internet Is For) links in chasles' Metatalk post looking for an Ask Metafilter question about "websites that are amazingly specific, usually maintained by a cranky crank." (it was this one)

by taz

Weekend chillout reading: collections, DIY builds, classic tv logos, and rhyming synonyms

The last one...The last one... by isfullofcrap (cc by)

ben30's kid wants to know, are there any synonyms that rhyme?

Chrysostom's post about classic physical special-effects in TV logos drew a bunch of other fun examples in the comments.

Do you know what a billhook is? Well, jedicus found one guy with a huge encyclopedic website about 'em -- and in the comments, zamboni gave an amazing list of "one person's highly-specific passion" websites.

While we're at it, how about pjern's thread of unbelievable garden sheds. And did you catch mrbill's thread a while ago about the amazing garage renovation detailed in a novel-length forum thread?

Thella asks, what do I do with this really weird banister situation in my apartment?

Weirdness, secret tunnels, haunted houses, goats, the usual

GoatGoat by (cc by)

In jessamyn's post about the man who lived in a huge secret apartment in the landmark historic theater he rescued, other stories of secret spaces including secret tunnels all over a city.

Gimme some stories of goats misbehaving!

...or some eerie spooky stories that aren't gross or horrible

...or some websites with fun interesting stuff for when the news gets me down.

Stroll down memory lane

analogue modemanalogue modem by secretlondon123 (cc by-sa)

It's interesting to read the very first thread about (The) Facebook from 2005, the first thread about Netflix from 2002, and the night-before-launch of Apple's first iPod. It's also interesting to look back at less successful things like 2003's launch of Microsoft's first tablet computer and read what members thought.

by mathowie

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