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Posts tagged with computers

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BBC Computer Literacy Project logo with BBC and ascii type owl on one side and the text Computer Literacy Project on the other

"This site contains all 146 of the original Computer Literacy Project programmes plus 121 related programmes, broken down into 2,509 categorised, searchable clips": Jessamyn posted BBC's amazing The Computer Literacy Project, 1980-1989.

by taz

Cracker Barrel

illustration showing huge neon text ENTER THE DEMOSCENE atop a futuristic cityimage via

Z303 has crafted an amazing megapost on demoscene history, techniques, creations, social scene, and more.

by taz

Women's Work

Nathalia Holt book coverNathalia Holt's "Rise of the Rocket Girls"

Amaaaaazing post from filthy light thief on the women behind the Jet Propulsion Lab and NASA, and the book by Nathalia Holt that celebrates them. 🚀

by taz

Stroll down memory lane

analogue modemanalogue modem by secretlondon123 (cc by-sa)

It's interesting to read the very first thread about (The) Facebook from 2005, the first thread about Netflix from 2002, and the night-before-launch of Apple's first iPod. It's also interesting to look back at less successful things like 2003's launch of Microsoft's first tablet computer and read what members thought.

by mathowie

Highlighting the best bits from the MetaFilter universe

MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.

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Brandon Blatcher

Brandon Blatcher





