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Posts tagged with tools

Tool Check

photo of a reproduction ancient adze with metal blade, wooden handle and jute twineNot enough of these. (adze re-enactment tool via

At some point someone dared to wonder, "what if a time-displaced MMA-fightin' Viking orphan became a carpenter's apprentice to Jesus of Nazareth?" and voila, a movie was born! But of all the tools in this production, which ones are most wrong? Jedicus helps us see the light.

by taz

Putting the "Art" in "Chart"

photo close-up of the tip of a paintbrush brushing salmon colored paint on a white surfaceimage by Marco Verch on Flickr

Faintdreams posted the neato Free Mixed Media Art Supplies Compatibility Chart by artist, designer and educator Nela Dunato: "the most detailed free art mediums compatibility reference!"

by taz


Screwdriver on a White BackgroundScrewdriver on a White Background by wuestenigel (cc by)

You need to do a thing - NOW! For when you need to calculate a thing, or look up a thing, or be able to do the thing in your Browser without any faff: Faintdreams posted a Big list of free In-Browser, Single Use tools

by taz

What is "knolling"?

Close-up photo of camera, tablet, tablet pen, watch, mobile phone, multi-tool, loupe (?), and leather strap all arrayed in a pleasing composition on a nice wooden table topPhoto by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

"... a totally different organizational method born from the studio practices of artists, designers, and DIYers that involves laying out related objects—paint pens and ink markers, wrenches and chisels, metal chains of all sizes—in a precise but simultaneously stylish way, intended to streamline workflow."

by taz

Organizing a Life

In Ask Metafilter, artisthatithaca asks How Do You Keep Track of Your Life? "I need a system! I need ... something! I've got my work and life calendar under control, but I need a place to keep all the little tidbits I notice, ideas, writing, things from books, lists of books I've read and want to read, thoughts on life, etc..."

by taz

Zamboni's List

Sidney Hall’s (1831) astronomical chart illustration of the Psalterium Georgii, Fluvius Eridanus, Cetus, Officinal Scupltoris, Fornax Chemica, and Machina Electrica. Original from Library of Congress. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel.Sidney Hall’s (1831) astronomical chart illustration of the Psalterium Georgii, Fluvius Eridanus, Cetus, Officinal Scupltoris, Fornax Chemica, and Machina Electrica. Original from Library of Congress. Digitally enhanced by rawpixel. by Free Public Domain Illustrations by rawpixel (cc by)

Zamboni shares his list of fave devices, gadgets, gizmos, utensils, machines, mechanisms, contraptions, apparatuses, appliances, implements, and instruments in last week's Metatalktail Hour discussion on tools. (This week's cozy convo is about the most ordinary thing you've never done.)

by taz

Screw it

The warranty voider's secret weaponThe warranty voider's secret weapon by fdecomite (cc by)

Mefites have opinions about screws. Dive in for many fascinating screw facts, including Ikea screws don't suck, it's just most people are using the wrong kind of screwdriver.

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