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Posts tagged with Restoration

You have a Blüthner? *I* have a Blüthner!

In Ask Metafilter, vernondalhart asks, What should I expect / what should be included in renovating an old piano? and gets some super spot-on info from Pallas Athena

by taz

Egypt: Dendera, the cosmos of Hathor

a detail including figures representing decans, 36 stars or star groups that could be used to tell the time during the night. Seen here, a lion-headed god and goddess, a snake with coiled tail, and an erect snake holding two jars Lions and snakes on astronomical ceiling at Dendera

Rhaomi has a fabulous in-depth post on the very fabulous Dendera temple complex, home to "some of the most superbly-preserved ancient Egyptian art known, ranging from early Roman times back to the Middle Kingdom period over 4,000 years ago." Amazing photography, video, interviews, background, blog posts, and a "slick zoomable scroller." So much. So good.

by taz

Masks in Restoration England

A Woman in Winter Clothing, 1644A Woman in Winter Clothing, 1644 by London Metropolitan Archives

In a question about mask-wearing in Restoration-era England, verstegan answers with fascinating details and sources.

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