Cool gifts that benefit charity
tiny frying pan is looking for fantastic physical gifts to buy that benefit charities. Go to that wonderful post to find some great options.
tiny frying pan is looking for fantastic physical gifts to buy that benefit charities. Go to that wonderful post to find some great options.
A Woman in Winter Clothing, 1644 by London Metropolitan Archives
In a question about mask-wearing in Restoration-era England, verstegan answers with fascinating details and sources.
Two Ask MetaFilter questions per week!
We're experimenting with upping the Ask limit to two questions per week. More info in the MetaTalk announcement!
Vegetarian Chili by ilovememphis (cc by-nc-nd)
Okay, folks, time to get serious now: *s wants to win the office vegetarian chili competition. Let us not fail our comrade in need!
In other news, the mythic quest for a seriously intense brownie recipe, and the dream of a for-reals healthy muffin.
Framed Embroidery Kidney Anatomy Art. Hand Embroidered. by Hey Paul Studios (cc by)
In a question about organ transplants and what life is like after, MeFi member k8lin gives us an insider's view of life after a transplant.
I am both a researcher of the psychosocial aspects of chronic kidney disease and a two-time kidney transplant recipient myself, so I can shed a bit of light on the kidney side of things.
Metafilter's local musicians are spending the month of July working up covers en masse of the twelve tracks of Radiohead's seminal OK Computer. It's early yet, but there've been some fun entries already, and this is maybe my favorite of the bunch: a Mariachi style Spanish-language take on "Subterranean Homesick Alien", by user hanoixan.
And he even got some help with the translation from Ask Metafilter.
Boston Celtics vs LA Lakers Game 2 2008 NBA Finals by Adam Pieniazek (cc by)
If it's been many years since you followed NBA basketball, or even if you're completely new to the sport, this long detailed guide to what teams to watch and what to watch for in the 2012 season by MeFi member cashman is totally amazing. It reminds me a lot of the annual "superbowl preview for non-sports fans" the Rumpus has done the past couple years.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.