Wake up babe, new Euripides just dropped
Bust of Euripedes
Kattullus posted about Euripides Unbound, the story of a recent discovery by archeologist Heba Adly of a papyrus containing 97 lines from Polyidus and Ino, lost plays by Euripides.
Bust of Euripedes
Kattullus posted about Euripides Unbound, the story of a recent discovery by archeologist Heba Adly of a papyrus containing 97 lines from Polyidus and Ino, lost plays by Euripides.
Isleworth riverside settlement image via thamesdiscovery.org
Yankeefog's question about fragments of old London still visible in modern London is a great place to fall down a rabbithole of curiosities, from Bronze Age fish traps on the Thames to bits of HMS Temeraire recycled into ecclesiastical furniture for St Mary's Church.
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