Wake up babe, new Euripides just dropped
Bust of Euripedes
Kattullus posted about Euripides Unbound, the story of a recent discovery by archeologist Heba Adly of a papyrus containing 97 lines from Polyidus and Ino, lost plays by Euripides.
Bust of Euripedes
Kattullus posted about Euripides Unbound, the story of a recent discovery by archeologist Heba Adly of a papyrus containing 97 lines from Polyidus and Ino, lost plays by Euripides.
The two Early Bronze Age axe heads, dating from around 2150-2000 BC, were sent anonymously to the National Museum of Ireland at the end of June. Photograph: National Museum of Ireland
Where did those 4,000 year old axe heads come from?! The National Museum of Ireland had so many questions about this thoughtfully wrapped “gift” and chariot pulled by cassowaries’ post has the answers!
Music Expands by byzantiumbooks (cc by)
Algorithms are great *but* don’t go to any guilty pleasures or allow any other person to use your account, unless you want those choices feeding into it. I don’t know a way to come back from the pollution of one’s algorithm. (I found *great* new bands until I allowed this to happen) – cotton dress sock: Lots of interesting tips, recommendations, and suggestions on the How to find new music I like Ask Metafilter post.
The Library of Congress - Reading Room by Glyn Lowe Photoworks (cc by)
Right now I am reading about how to make Mrs. Harriet Hubbard's Recamier Moth and Freckle Lotion. — jessamyn
A vast black hole of text waiting to suck you in, never to be seen again. Bye! — njohnson23
If you haven't explored it yet, don't miss A Random Walk Through The Library of Congress: LOC Serendipity, a fun discovery project by Mefi's own metasunday.
Homo naledi skeletal specimens from the Dinaledi Chamber, South Africa
One of my friends from my graduate program is a "tiny caver" on this project, so I can't make my own post ... but I can comment!
ChuraChura adds some great link love to ladybird's post about the discovery of new hominin species Homo naledi, and the skilled slender spelunkers recruited to excavate the nearly inaccessible find.
MetaFilter started as a community weblog in 1999, later added question and answers, then music by members, jobs, projects by members, a podcast, and finally an area dedicated to meetups.