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Posts tagged with journalism

He blew up pretty well

Photo by M. Scott Brauer

Over in MeFi Projects, msbrauer has posted an absolutely amazing story he did about Treb Heining, who created the entire balloon decorating industry. What does that mean? Oh, just that Heining has engineered the balloon drops at every Republican National Convention and most Democratic National Conventions for the past 40 years! Tune in to get the lowdown on how these amazing visuals happen!

"It's not all gloom and doom"

 A wooden crosspost sign with the word HOPE and an arrow pointing right against a bright blue skyPhoto by pol sifter on Flickr: sign pointing to the village of Hope, Derbyshire UK

hippybear posted 66 Good News Stories You Didn't Hear About in 2023

by taz

Squeaky Wheels

Cosmic Fractoil.....Cosmic Fractoil..... by The Manic Macrographer (cc by)

I was in very niche-y trade journalism throughout the 90s. Starting for a publication called Lubricants World ... It covered the fascinating world of motor oil, metalworking fluids, hydraulic fluids, etc... Naberius on the surprising pleasures of niche reporting in chavenet's post on "My PR Day of Yes" by Dan Kois.

by taz

Cozy bedtime reading about MLMs and bankruptcies?

It's Alimentary, My Dear Watson

Cooking & EatingCooking & Eating by ☼☼Jo Zimny Photos☼☼ (cc by-nc-nd)

A digest of recent food culture posts on Mefi:

The Food Timeline, evolution of foods dating back to before 17,000BC ⏳; Maria Orosa, Filipina food technologist, chemist, humanitarian, war hero 👩🏽‍🔬; The D.C. Region Doesn’t Have Full-Time Food Critics of Color. Why That Matters 📰; Archeology of Taste is a project about childhood memories 🍭; Consider the potato: How do you prefer yours? 🥔; The Food Flow Model, a web of connections across the continental U.S. 🚚; What Makes Good Comfort Food? A LitHub conversation 🍝; The most taxing work in the kitchen is brain work 🧠Iceland’s last McDonald’s burger simply won’t rot, even after 10 years 🍔.

by taz

Help Embiggen These Brains!

PipedreamerPipedreamer by new 1lluminati (cc by)

In Ask Metafilter, xenization is seeking Essays/Articles That Opened Your Mind for first-year college students; nonfiction that makes you go, "Huh. Never thought of it like that before."

by taz

Insider looks at starting a print magazine and producing a live TV show

publishingpublishing by sam_churchill (cc by)

garius on starting a print magazine that earns its keep: "We found a small local printer who'd run us up a limited run of 100 copies, which I paid for out of my own pocket, and then we started anonymously leaving copies on the magazine / leaflet table in the Rose and Crown Pub in Walthamstow, London."

yankeefog on attendance policies when producing a live tv show and working for Dennis Miller: "you would be surprised at how much of an art teleprompting is."

Anderson Cooper is Out

Anderson Cooper Marched With UsAnderson Cooper Marched With Us by Editor B (cc by)

Member brina recounts the time she was working as a reporter and accidentally found out Anderson Cooper was gay, but didn't (and couldn't) report it at the time.

It was his story, and he needed to be in charge of how and when it was told, to the greatest extent possible. And by writing about how he has tried to be an observer and teller of the truth, he has done his best to own at least his part of the narrative.

by mathowie

PBS likes us! They really like us!

Perspective #2Perspective #2 by rubberpaw (cc by-sa)

A cool mention of MetaFilter's history showed up today on MediaShift, a PBS website devoted to the future of journalism. MetaFilter's history of debunking Kaycee Nicole collectively online gets a mention in the "peer production" section.

by mathowie

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